Dear University:
I'm a corporate recruiter and would love it if you forced your students to take a COBOL class.
You see, my company uses COBOL and we wouldn’t think of hiring someone with more than ten years of experience. In fact, we throw those resumes away as fast as we receive them.
A Texas Corporate Recruiter
That's the transparent attitude one corporate recruiter--for a major Dallas retailer--had in an interview with the Dallas Morning News. Don’t get me started...
College students are too smart for this nonsense. They grew up in the information age, and intuitively understand that skills and abilities are important. Learning COBOL isn’t going to help their careers or foster innovation. Besides, there’s more than enough talent to fill this recruiter’s job order. Don’t believe me?
When you read University of California at Davis professor Norman Matloff’s articles you’ll see just how off track this recruiter is.
The gang that couldn't shoot straight -- Forbes Magazine op-ed.
Debunking the Myth of a Desperate Software Labor Shortage -- Testimony to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee.
Developing talent, should be one of management's highest priorities.
Dear Management,
For heaven's sake, please lead your company back to the future.