In “Seven Tips for Blogging Your Way to a New Job,” Debbie Weil explains how a blog can help you find a new job.
Because a resume talks about your talent while a blog showcases your talent, you have a better chance of catching a recruiter’s eye and proving your worth.
Proof, that you know what you’re doin’.
Although, you might get scared off by tip four -- Use correct grammar.
Sure, there are plenty of books on grammar. Still, most are so boring it's difficult to trudge past the first chapter. Words Fail Me, by Patricia O'Conner won't bore you or run out on you when you need words most.
One reviewer said that this is the other book Strunk would have written if he had a sense of humor. But don't take some reviewer's word for it. When you read these headlines you'll see this isn't your typical grammar book:
- Grammar Moses
- Verbs that Zing
- Pronoun Pileups