The man in a hurry, pictured above, is an archetype. According to Seth Godin the man in a hurry is you, the excited, opportunist who realizes that the key to success is forward motion.
Poke the Box is a book that inspires you to start things − Projects, books, new software products. Instead of waiting for a boss to promote you or pick you, reject the tyranny of the system, pick yourself. Start projects, and start projects often.
When you are the person who starts things, the market will reward the genius in you, the innovator in you. True opportunities rest with your curiosity. If an idea keeps popping into your head, and the idea is magnified by chance encounters and events, be curious and follow the creative breadcrumbs. See where it takes you. Artists have written many songs and movies because they pursed that mysterious lady, intuition.
Want to work on projects that matter? Pick up Seth’s book and let him show you how to start, how to ship it. Shipping it is the ultimate forward motion.
The act of initiating projects is transformative. Remember, forward motion is a defensible business asset, so be bold and transform your business and markets.