To deliver working software in two weeks, Agile development requires people to accomplish difficult goals. Write unit tests before writing software, set up continuous integration, click on a button and deploy software to production (aka Continuous Delivery).
Because we're no longer living in the Information Age, and now live in the Age of the Artist, we may do well to learn from artists in the film industry.
In Memo from the Trenches, screenwriter Frank Darabont tells us that the movie business is not all red carpets and sipping champagne with movie stars.
There's a lot of hard work. Fact is, Frank believes there are more talented writers than him. He attributes his success to putting in the time and learning his craft.
So if you want your dreams to come true, do the difficult thing first. In so doing you'll develop the skills to delight your customers whether they're in the software business, or the movie business.